
Are You A Candidate for Acid Reflux Surgery?

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Are You A Candidate for Acid Reflux Surgery?

Heartburn strikes many people from time to time. Occasional overindulgence causes the condition to flare up, and then it could be months or years before it returns. Over-the-counter antacids are often the only treatment needed.

However, between 18% and 28% of Americans have a chronic form of acid reflux, known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD). Not only do they cope with regular discomfort, but the reflux of stomach acids into the lower esophagus can cause serious tissue damage. Fortunately, severe cases of GERD can be treated well with minimally invasive surgical techniques when more conservative treatment proves unsuccessful.  

If you struggle with acid reflux, you can get long-lasting relief with minimally invasive surgery. Board-certified general surgeon Dr. John Bollins and our team at Advanced Surgical Associates of Northern Minnesota specialize in evaluating your acid reflux and determining if surgery is a good option for you. Here, we address who is a good candidate for anti-reflux surgery.

The causes of GERD

The primary reason for GERD symptoms is the failure of the esophageal sphincter, a band of muscle around the bottom of the esophagus that lets food pass while keeping stomach contents from flowing back up. When the sphincter weakens or relaxes irregularly, a backwash of stomach acid can leave the stomach, causing the burning sensation associated with heartburn.

You may be more at risk of developing GERD if you’re overweight or pregnant. A hiatal hernia may also cause GERD symptoms. This is when the top portion of the stomach bulges up through the diaphragm, which may interfere with the normal operation of the esophageal sphincter. Connective tissue disorders may also compromise the sphincter, such as scleroderma, and can delay emptying of stomach contents.

Certain conditions can aggravate sphincter failure. Some of these factors include:

  • Medications such as aspirin
  • Tobacco use
  • Eating large meals
  • Eating before sleep
  • Fatty, fried, or spicy foods
  • Beverages with caffeine or alcohol

Initial treatment of GERD

Before you’re considered for reflux surgery, more conservative treatments must prove ineffective at controlling your symptoms. Lifestyle changes are generally part of such treatment. Altering your diet and eating habits can often reduce the severity of your symptoms, even if reflux continues.

The same is true of acid-suppressing medications. The number of reflux incidents won’t change, but the level of acidity is reduced, causing less burning when reflux does occur. The shortfall of conservative approaches to GERD is that these treat the symptoms of the condition, not the cause.

Surgical solutions for reflux

As with most conditions, surgery is generally a last resort, since any surgery carries some risk. However, the procedures needed to correct failures of the lower esophageal sphincter have proven good candidates for robotic techniques, a specialty of Dr. Bollins at Advanced Surgical Associates of Northern Minnesota. Using the state-of-the-art da Vinci® Surgical System, they perform minimally invasive procedures designed to restore the function of your lower esophageal sphincter (LES).

Anti-reflux surgery, also known as fundoplication, is a highly effective treatment for GERD. The da Vinci® Surgical System allows greater dexterity and control than traditional techniques, making it an ideal choice for this procedure.

If you’re living with GERD symptoms near Hibbing, Cloquet,  Duluth, or Ely, Minnesota, call or click to arrange a consultation with Advanced Surgical Associates of Northern Minnesota today.